
Building a customer-centric, data-driven insurance firm.

Man signing paper
Radial circle
Circular ceiling
Car accident
Business Meeting
Car accident
Business Meeting


The insurance industry has long been a leader in the use of analytic models for a wide range of strategic business and decisioning operations. Today, with the need for decision turnaround driven by mobile customer demand, data-driven insurance firms need even more accurate customer decisions faster than ever before. FICO provides a platform for insurance firms that uses advanced analytics to optimize decisioning, manage risk, prevent fraud, improve debt collections, and increase profitability while delivering a great customer experience.


FICO helps insurance firms make their operations smarter, faster, and more profitable in the following areas:

Centralized Decisioning (underwriting, claims, fraud prevention, pricing, agency/broker management, and policy offers and management)

Prevention of application and claims fraud

Increased automation and personalization on digital channels

Rapid application development

Optimization with advanced algorithms

Simulation and testing of pricing models

Decision and model governance and monitoring

Rapid deployment of SAS, R, Emblem and other analytic models

Taking a highly segmented approach for collections and recovery

Contact Us

Connect with FICO for answers to all your product and solution questions. We look forward to hearing from you.