Pricing Optimization

Harness the power of prescriptive analytics to make more profitable pricing decisions over the lifecycle of every customer by putting the right offer into the right hands, at exactly the right time.

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Make better and faster pricing decisions


Leverage advanced analytics to discover the optimal rate while considering account revenue, profitability and volume objectives while also balancing regulatory constraints.

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Retain existing customers and attract new ones

Create optimized lending strategies that account for price, term, amount and accept rates to provide increases in profitability with automated governance and documentation features that ease the burden of compliance.

Pricing Solutions

Find the optimal rate for any pricing decision to deliver the best possible experience for your customer and results for your company.


Drive growth with repeatable pricing optimization strategies across your entire portfolio while increasing loyalty across the entire customer lifecycle.

Home Equity Loan Pricing

Expand your portfolio while extending customer loyalty throughout their financial journey.
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FICO Advisory Services

Partner with us for deep decision making insights, increased business analytic knowledge and a vision for your longer term strategic direction.
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Deposit Pricing

Leverage advanced analytics to optimize pricing that’s profitable for you, and appealing to your customers.
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Alternative Deal Structure for Auto Finance

Exceed your automotive finance portfolio objectives using optimization science.
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Personal Loan Pricing

Drive optimal loan pricing decisions across your entire portfolio of personal lending products.
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Mortgage Pricing

Optimize pricing decisions across the entire mortgage lifecycle and synchronize strategies in order to balance portfolio objectives with business constraints and achieve maximum value.
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Student Loan Pricing

Significantly increase revenue by optimizing your entire portfolio with structured student loan pricing methodologies that ensure the right fit and increased acceptance rates.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why adding pricing optimization across your entire portfolio is critical for not only maximizing value, but also creating the winning edge over your competition.
Pricing optimization is the ability to balance and coordinate business objectives and multiple constraints in order to maximize an organization’s desired value from one or multiple offer channels.

FICO pricing optimization solutions improve decision quality by enabling banks to take into account many more decision factors than they otherwise could. Only with optimization can banks use the increasingly wide variety of customer data from internal and external sources along with multiple scores and other analytic predictions to make the best possible decision for each individual customer.

It’s not only banks that benefit. Customers also benefit by receiving better offers and services across their banking lifecycle, which keeps them from jumping to a competitor.
Of course, every portfolio is different. And FICO offers optimization solutions for multiple industries and problem types.
Without pricing optimization, banks can’t be certain they're making the best decisions to maximize potential customer lifecycle value and simultaneously meet business objectives. There are simply too many potential options – up to thousands or even millions – that only optimization can solve for.

In other words, without pricing optimization, banks are leaving value on the table with every single customer transaction – whether it be short-term or long-term profit, ROI or any other business objective. And in today’s economic conditions, every dollar counts.
FICO’s complete pricing optimization solutions for lending leverages advanced analytics to discover the optimal rate by taking into account revenue, profitability and volume objectives, as well as regulatory constraints.

It empowers banks to create optimized strategies that account for price, term, amount and accept rates provide increases in profitability, while automated governance and documentation features ease the burden of compliance. All with an easy-to-use platform-based interface customized to make sense for end users.

Optimize pricing across your entire portfolio

Connect with FICO for answers to all your product and solution questions. We look forward to hearing from you.