Scoring Partners

Partner with the FICO® Scoring Solutions team and leverage our scoring and analytic expertise to help industries reduce risk, improve experiences, and support growth.

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Partnering for smarter decisions

FICO® Scoring solutions works closely with a variety of partners to deliver solutions that balance profit with risk while meeting unique needs across US and international markets. We enable partners to gain a competitive advantage by:

  • Capturing new revenue opportunities more quickly
  • Maximizing revenue and market penetration
  • Creating better customer experiences that build loyalty


Learn how FICO solutions can empower you to make smarter, personalized decisions, streamline operations, and improve the customer experience.

Data and Bureau Partners

With FICO® Scoring Solutions, data providers, data processors, and credit reporting agencies around the globe better support lenders to safely expand credit access.
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Consumer Partners

FICO® Score consumer solutions provide consumer-facing partners with opportunities to share FICO Scores, tools, and education content for enhanced customer loyalty and consumer credit empowerment.
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Industry Partners

FICO® Scoring partnerships help industry-specific organizations find new ways to reduce risk, improve experiences, and drive growth.
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Connect with FICO for answers to all your product and solution questions. We look forward to hearing from you.