Customer Development

Acquire, delight, and retain profitable customers with intelligent and integrated decisions.

Women meeting
Radial circle

Your ideal portfolio.

By connecting every decision you make – marketing offers, risk evaluations, onboarding messages, pricing changes – FICO helps your organization design and execute an intelligent, integrated strategy for attracting, delighting, and retaining your ideal portfolio of customers. With FICO, your organization has the control to compete and win in an increasingly crowded market.

A customer is not a moment, a customer is for life

With everything going on, it is easy to forget about the why. In this video, we are reminded that the why for financial institutions is the customer. As our CMO Nikhil Behl says, "The beauty of FICO is to allow people to live the richest life they possibly can whether that be their first home or their first car. It is really based on that individual person, and nothing else really matters at the end of the day."


FICO solutions offer a wide range of capabilities, empowering you to make smarter, personalized decisions, streamline operations, and improve the customer experience.

Account Opening

Simple, smart, scalable, digital-first account opening.
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Pricing Optimization

Harness the power of prescriptive analytics to make more profitable pricing decisions over the lifecycle of every customer by putting the right offer into the right hands, at exactly the right time.
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Create and grow customer relationships with confidence.
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Customer Management

Smarter decisions, better customer outcomes.
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Customer Communications for Customer Development

Assess your potential customer needs and grow your business with omnichannel, digital communications.
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A more profitable portfolio, today.

Take the first step to building a more competitive customer acquisition and retention infrastructure.