FICO Solutions

Transform your business. Empower your customers.

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Areas of expertise

Learn more about how FICO solutions can drive better decisions and better results for your customers and your organization.
Decision Management and Optimization
Decision Management and Optimization
FICO Decision Management operationalizes analytics and empowers customer engagements.

The only customizable, centralized development and deployment analytics platform that enables multiple stakeholders to collaborate and rapidly create, validate, and launch multiple optimization models as powerful applications

AI, Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics

Optimize your customer interactions and supply chain with market-leading technology.

Customer Development
Customer Development
Acquire, delight, and retain profitable customers with intelligent and integrated decisions.
Account Opening

Simple, smart, scalable, digital-first account opening.

Pricing Optimization

Harness the power of prescriptive analytics to make more profitable pricing decisions over the lifecycle of every customer by putting the right offer into the right hands, at exactly the right time.


Create and grow customer relationships with confidence.

Customer Communications for Customer Development

Assess your potential customer needs and grow your business with omnichannel, digital communications.

Debt Collection and Recovery
Debt Collection and Recovery
Enhance your collection and recovery efficiency, effectiveness and compliance.
Debt Recovery and Sales

Cost-effectively recover debt and improve collections account placement using a proven methodology and advanced technology.

Customer Communications for Debt Collection and Recovery

Digital transformation helps organizations collecting debt manage increased account volumes with digital and scalable communications.

Collections Management

Creating the right balance between operational efficiency and improving the customer experience.

Fraud Protection and Compliance
Fraud Protection and Compliance
Combat fraud and financial crime across the customer lifecycle with AI.
Payments Fraud

Industry-proven machine learning and AI for payments fraud protection across all channels.

Anti-Money Laundering

Protect your business from financial crime while satisfying regulatory standards, including KYC, sanctions screening, and transaction monitoring.

FICO® Falcon® Intelligence Network

Delivering a global perspective of fraud and financial crimes.

Customer Communications for Fraud

Digital communication for the enterprise provides low-friction, high-security fraud alert resolution.

Scoring Solutions
Scoring Solutions
Leading Financial Inclusion Innovation for Over 30 Years
Credit Risk Scoring Solutions

FICO delivers a range of products and services globally that empower the development of enhanced credit risk strategies.

Scoring Partners

Partner with the FICO® Scoring Solutions team and leverage our scoring and analytic expertise to help industries reduce risk, improve experiences, and support growth.

Industry Risk Scoring Solutions

Learn how to gain better industry risk insights using data-driven analytic solutions with FICO® Scoring Solutions for Industry Risk.

Take the next step

Connect with FICO for answers to all your product and solution questions. We look forward to hearing from you.