FICO® Supply Chain Solver

The flexible, cost-effective supply chain analytics solution for optimizing sourcing, manufacturing and distribution networks.

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Radial circle
Round building
Building with circle windows
Manufacturing materials
Man walking through warehouse

Increase Flexibility in your Supply Chain—and Supply Chain Software

Looking for ways to optimize your supply chain specifically customized to fit your business? Look no further. Manage risk and change with the ability to design resilient supply chains through automated scenario runs, and find solutions that optimize network structure, manufacturing and production, inventories, and distribution. Amplify the power of human business knowledge, by giving end-users the power to balance trade-offs between desired operating metrics for service, cost and profit.

Enabling Technologies

With 60+ years of pioneering work in predictive analytics and artificial intelligence, FICO powers our solutions with the most advanced science available.

Increase speed while dramatically increasing solution fit.

Tailor final applications to meet specific business objectives without having to wait for IT help or budget. 


Define and create, validate, and deploy final solutions faster compared to previous methods.

Technical Details

Supports both strategic and tactical operating decisions, effectively combining network design and sales and operations planning (S&OP) business processes.
Solves for these sample common decision points: How many facilities (suppliers/manufacturing plants/distribution centers/stores) are needed in your supply chain network? What capabilities and capacities should they have? Where/when should they be opened/closed?
Solves for these sample common decision points: Where/when/how much of each component or product should be produced? When should you utilize alternative bills of materials to balance available inventory and operating cost?

Also supports:
Production Modeling: Embed complex production models with Bill of Material, production lines and steps. Multi-Period Modeling: Time period modeling including transportation lead time and inventory considerations
Solves for these sample common decision points: Given volatile and/or seasonal demand, where/when/how much of component and finished inventories should be held, and how often should they be replenished? Can we do forecasting?
Solves for these sample common decision points: Where/when should resources be located (personnel/machines/vehicles, etc.) to manage risk, and achieve business objectives for multi-modal, multi-echelon manufacturing and distribution networks?
Solves for these sample common decision points: Which path should you take to move your components and products from sources to destinations?

Also supports:
Transportation Modeling: Create multiple modes, lanes and to model complex transportation costs. Multi-Period Modeling: Time period modeling including transportation lead time and inventory considerations
holding laptop with pencil
Abstract image
Decision Management and Optimization
Abstract Image
Decision Management and Optimization
View from airplane window
Decision Management and Optimization
Case Study

Optimization Software to Evolve Plant Processing at Shell

FICO Optimization Software to Evolve Plant Processing at Shell.
Case Study
Case Study

FICO Xpress Optimization Suite, big profits for its clients Honeywell

Ever wonder how Honeywell schedules big profits for its oil and gas clients?
Case Study
Seeing is believing

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