Personal Loan Pricing

Drive optimal loan pricing decisions across your entire portfolio of personal lending products.

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Increase loan portfolio profitability while maintaining consistent, policy-driven decisions.

Pricing managers intuitively know that when price goes down, volume goes up. The hard part is figuring out by how much. This solution has been built to make accurate predictions and to help you understand the likely impact of a given decision.

Finally - there’s an optimized pricing solution for your personal lending business that helps you drive incremental profitability by finding the right balance between margin and volume across the entire personal loan portfolio.

corner glass building

Projecting the results across our portfolio, we forecast an annual increase of $16 million in APP, and $41 million in new sales.

Zuzana Sloukova
Česká Spořitelna

Pricing Solutions

Find the optimal rate for any pricing decision to deliver the best possible experience for your customer and results for your company.

Enabling Technologies

With 60+ years of pioneering work in predictive analytics and artificial intelligence, FICO powers our solutions with the most advanced science available.

Impressive results

Česká Spořitelna, the largest bank in the Czech Republic, wanted to combat aggressive pricing by competitors without sacrificing profitability. By applying FICO Optimization Solution for Loan Pricing across the portfolio, the bank is able to analyze a massive amount of data to arrive at the best price and credit limit for each individual borrower, based on their risk profile, loan appetite, price sensitivity and personal wealth.
Increase in portfolio profit amounting to $16 million per year
Increase in new sales amounting to $41 million the first year

Drive incremental profitability across your entire personal loan portfolio

Learn how FICO® Optimization Solution for Loan Pricing drives incremental profitability by finding the right balance between margin and volume.